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采购服务提供高质量的采购相关服务,以支持不同的赌钱app可以微信提现人口(学生), faculty, staff and community), 因此,通过创造机会实现更高水平的专业卓越,促进机构承诺提供卓越的教育计划和服务.


采购以确保每一美元支出的最大最终价值的方式促进联合合作委员会资金的支出, considering factors such as cost, quality, efficiency and sustainability. 我们的员工通过开放的沟通和与员工的关系来创造和保持善意, vendors, and the general public, 因此,建立坚实的诚信基础, 诚信、公平,道德至上.

Procurement Services Staff

Janelle Vogler
(913) 469-4574

Jim Feikert
Executive Director, Procurement Services
(913) 469-3299


Commodity and Service Areas

Sean Murphy
Senior Buyer
(913) 469-2337 
Cheradee Abejero
Senior Buyer
(913) 469-7818 

Business/professional services, rentals, lease and facility-rentals, advertising, art, audit, insurance (all types), food and beverage, employment, legislative and legal, fuel/gasoline, 其他类似商品及相关服务

Lawrence 'Larry' Allen
Senior Buyer
(913) 469-2336 

Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (A/E/C), building maintenance, capital improvements, HVAC, remodeling and renovations, roofing, solar photovoltaic (PV), wastewater, water, 其他类似商品及相关服务

Jeremy Lancey
(913) 469-3015 

Athletic goods supplies, vehicles, classroom, hand tools, lawn equipment, library, painting, waste and refuse, welding, campus repairs, custodial, furniture, laundry, office, musical, 其他类似商品及相关服务

Mahogany Frazier
Purchasing Specialist
(913) 469-2404

Accreditation services and fees, independent contractors, advertising/promo/awards and supplies, tickets, badges, decals, memberships, staff development, theatrical supplies and equipment, 其他类似商品及相关服务

哪个app可以赌足球高度重视将环境意识和责任融入学校的日常生活中. 学院认识到它可以通过其采购决策对环境产生积极影响. 

按照学院的采购政策和程序, 并支持学院与美国学院签约 & University Presidents Climate Commitment, 它的目的是寻求和利用, to the fullest extent possible, 环保或“绿色”产品, practices, services and suppliers, 只要它们的性能令人满意,并且能够以相似的总价值获得(考虑成本和质量). 为了支持这项工作,学院的采购服务部将:

  • 致力于提供卓越的服务, 以身作则,利用电子投标的做法,协助减少学院在采购过程中使用的资源;
  • 与学院全体员工共同承担责任,开发新的环保产品和服务, 使用由广泛认可的权威机构建立的标准(如能源之星等生态标签), EPEAT, Green Seal, Fair Trade, etc.),其目标是消除致癌物、诱变剂和致畸物;
  • 整合产品和服务的扩大使用,其中包含最大限度的消费后可重复使用或可回收的废物或可回收的内容(生物基产品), 不会显著影响产品或服务的预期用途(e).g., paper products, cups, etc.);
  • 为了保护自然资源, 努力采购节能设备和节水产品, 并寻求可靠的替代能源, certified alternative energy suppliers;
  • 向提供环保产品/服务的供应商采购,或向在日常运作中注重环保的供应商采购;
  • When feasible, 与供应商合作减少/再利用/回收包装材料, identify alternative methods of delivery, 并在征集中明确报废产品的回收;
  • 将成本/效益分析纳入考虑,以得出正确的采购决策——一个在经济上仍然可行的决策, reflects effective purchasing practices, considers total life cycle analysis and satisfies the requirements of the user department; and
  • Routinely evaluate replacement needs and waste management practices (recycling); encourage reuse of items within the College community; practice source reduction; manage surplus effectively; and provide consistent and relevant information and training for all staff.


赌钱app可以微信提现’s Standard Terms & 条件包括在每一个征求.


Download 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Terms & Conditions (PDF)

When equipment, furniture, 学院的任何部门不再需要学院的用品或其他个人财产, the property is deemed “surplus property.”

本学院将按下列规定清盘剩余存货 Disposition of Surplus Property Policy 215.07, through

Invoices and Payments

  • 通过电子邮件将所有发票和付款请求提交给应付账款 您必须参考有效的订单号,以便支付对价. 赌钱app可以微信提现’s standard payment terms are Net 30.
  • 与应付帐款联系有关付款事宜的任何问题.
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